Do diet pills do the deed?!
Category: Supplements
Here’s one supplement you should consider taking! 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊
New Vitamin D guidelines released
The Tab: Aloe Vera Juice diets just don’t work!
Aloe vera juice diets have become very popular lately, with many people claiming drinking aloe vera will help you lose weight. But are they right? There have been very few experiments investigating the effect of aloe vera on weight loss in humans. We could only find one study that showed Aloe Vera supplementation led to…
VITL Review-you have NOT ‘reinvented the approach to healthy living’
An advert popped up on our Facebook news stream this week. This advert seemed too good to be true. This advert was claiming that FTFs would “live better with VITL”. Intrigued, FTF clicked on the link, and this is what we uncovered… -VITL is a company that deliver expensive nutritional supplements straight to your door…