You may remember our successful petition for the removal of the article ‘Ten vegetables that actually aren’t good for you’ from ELLE UK website. They responded, removed the article, and encouraged us to pursue the issue with Delish (the original authors). Unfortunately, we are still waiting for Delish to respond to our requests for them to remove this from their website.
Unfortunately, today it was brought to our that Country Living Magazine had shared this same article on their Facebook page.
Nutrition in the media is often conflicting, misreported and downright confusing. Fight the Fads aims to stop the publication of such information. The only way to correct this is by challenging major influential publications when they get the information wrong, and promoting the importance of evidence-based nutritional advice from the REAL nutrition experts.
Here’s why the article is misleading, (potentially) dangerous and incorrect 🔍 FTFs asks the REAL nutrition experts: Does sensationalism = sexy?
ELLE UK removed this article (written by an intern at Delish) from their website which was encouraging- it showed that they value their reader’s health. Let’s hope that Country Living Magazine will follow in their footsteps!