FTF embark on clinical placements!

Wondering why we’ve been so quiet?! Team FTF are on clinical placement in busy London teaching hospitals for the next three months. We are beginning to apply our clinical knowledge to real life patients in a variety of settings- from oncology to eating disorders to bariatric surgery! We are working alongside large teams of dietitians,…

Launch of the new FTF Healthy Food Guide column!

We are so excited to finally share with you the news that we have a monthly column in the Healthy Food Guide magazine! Every month we will be talking about the latest nutrition news and the trends to watch out for in the world of fad diets! Our first article for April is on the…

KCL Faculty of Medicine summarises our work with FTFs

The King’s College London Faculty of Medicine has written a piece on us! Read about what we’ve been up to since founding FTFs back in January 2016 here. New Year is fast approaching, and this is our busiest time at FTFs- social media goes crazy with nutritional nonsense, fad diets and detoxes! Often this advice…